Triggerpoint therapy
The human body consists of 40% muscles, tendons and ligaments. The muscular system is the part of the body that moves and supports the static part, the skeleton.
The force transfer runs over the tendons. The ligaments support the whole, everything that is mobile can be deformed.
The natural posture and mobility of the body can be changed by various factors, which results in unnatural posture and movement forms.
For example:
– One-sided physical strain due to work or sport
– Traumas of all kinds: psychological, physical, chemical, etc.
– Wear and tear
– Abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system
– Premature signs of aging
– Mental and physical strain
As long as the body functions, you are sometimes completely unaware of these deformations. When too many, too strong or long-term deformations occur, the body reacts with discomfort or pain. You become aware of your body: Pain blocks the flow of energy in the body and between your body and the rest of the environment. Pain prevents you from developing your full potential and prevents you from experiencing the unity of life. Trigger point therapy is a way to reverse the process of these physical deformations.
To make the body receptive to this treatment, I often start with some relaxing actions. So that when I start treating the trigger points, you are relaxed enough to receive them well.
A characteristic of a massage is that your blood pressure usually goes down a bit, so if you already have low blood pressure, let me know and I will ensure that during the treatment you also perform some stimulating actions.
– Long-term pain-free
– Hardened tissue becomes softer and more elastic
– Slack tissue becomes firmer
– Breathing becomes deeper
– Posture becomes straighter
– Improved mobility of the body
– Increasing vitality and zest for life.
Contraindications for virtually all massages are:
Infectious diseases.
Severe colds, flu and sore throat.
Diseases involving increased metabolism.
Contagious skin conditions.
Poor general health.
If you have specific wishes, you can always indicate this beforehand but also during the massage.
Possible additions to this massage are:
Silicone cups promote blood circulation.
Bamboo sticks for a somewhat harder approach.
You pay €5.00 extra for the additions.
Price/time information
60 minutes / € 85,–
75 minutes / € 95,–
90 minutes / € 115,–